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  • caitlin

New! Join our North Coast Producer Newsletter

Hi everyone! So much is changing during this pandemic. We've had an explosion of news we want to share out with farmers, ranchers, fishers, foragers, and other food business owners on the North Coast. So, we did what we've been aiming to do for a few months now: we created a North Coast Producer Newsletter!

This newsletter is going to be different than our general newsletter to the public. It will be tailored information to Food Producers in the North Coast region. We are going to send it out at the beginning of each month. PLUS, it will be a space where food producers can share updates with one another.

Now, we need your help! If you are involved in local food production on the North Coast, we want to add you to this newsletter so you can join this information and communication channel.

Please send us an email ( with "Producer Newsletter" in the title to ask to be added to the newsletter list. If you're not already on our radar, we'd love to get an idea of what your farm or local food business does in the region.

Our May newsletter covers exiting news about the COVID-19 Grant Application opening, Online Sales with the Food Web, COVID-19 resources, and updates from local producers.

Thanks and stay safe!

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